Who Am I

Who Am I

July 15, 2013 Off By Fried Eye

–  Maggie Deka


It’s but natural to question yourself why someone does not understand you the exact way you want them to. We are all human, yes we get it, but no two people are alike.

To begin with, we all have different characteristics, personalities, behaviours, values, and ethics and so on. It’s the way we are brought up or the friends we keep or the people who influence us greatly in life and a great part of it comes from what we were taught in school. Personality is entirely the result of genetics, or unconscious forces, or environmental conditioning. It’s all out of our control. But what we can do, is make the conscious effort to make the changes if we want to change for good.

Everyday is different and so is our behaviour & thoughts so to speak. There is a saying that talks about the first person you see when you wake up that defines how your day would be. Weird as it sounds but there are many of you reading this who actually agrees with that and I am certain secretly nodding your head.

Apart from every characteristic one possesses, over time man has discovered that certain traits of women are similar and that goes for men too. This may all sound quirky, ridiculous, true, astounding, but the best explanations for them often have profound implications.

Generally when we describe someone we refer to terms such as ‘fair’, ‘tall’, ‘fat’, ‘dark’ etc when we look at them physically but the same people can also be called ‘funny’, ‘snobby’, ‘intelligent’ etc based on their personalities.

We each possess temperament and character which brings out our personality. Temperament being what we actually are and character usually is what we acquired over time through the experiences and challenges we face in life.

You can do various online personality tests to identify yourself. You can visit sites like:

http://colorquiz.com/ (This test is based on the work of Dr. Max Lûscher and is used worldwide, most notably in Europe, by psychologists, doctors, government agencies, and universities to screen their candidates.) I did the test too and got amazing results, very accurate and to the point.

http://www.keirsey.com/sorter/register.aspx (Here you would have to enter your email id and create a password to get your results. By doing this test you would get great insights into yourself.)

It has been left to us to discover or rediscover who we really are and what we need to do to make positive changes in our lives. Make notes on what you do differently every night when you come back home. Note if anyone noticed the changes (don’t ask people, let them come up to you and say what changes they see in you). Self test is the best test so no matter what everyone says about you, you know yourself better, you also know why you do the things you do. You know what you need to do differently to make positive changes in your life. Crying over spilt milk won’t help, go get up and create that drive in you. Get professional help if needed. Friends and family would always be there from time to time but it’s you who needs to be focused on making a difference.

We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com