Security Measures for your Internet Savvy Kid

Security Measures for your Internet Savvy Kid

February 1, 2014 Off By Priyanka Bhowmick


Is your child addicted to the web? It’s a matter of concern if kids are jammed to the internet and spend most of their time surfing it. And nowadays kids maintain privacy with their web activities which can lead them to something hazardous if parents are ignorant about it. This is why there are certain measures developed by which you can track their children’s online activities to make it more secure. Not only this, parents also need to be open to their kids instead of rebuking them all the time. Because the reason behind your children’s trepidation is your behaviour towards them.

Now there are several preventive measures and procedures to keep your child’s online activity safe.

track your kids online activities

Tracking the visited websites

Whether your kid is using Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome browser on the pc, make sure you track their browser history. Tracking the browser history displays the number of websites and their urls that have been visited by them. This will make you aware about the websites that your kid often visits. Simply head over to your browser menu >> Settings >>History to fetch the site details.


Block offensive sites

After you track the browser history you’ll come to realize which website is good for your child and which is malicious. Offensive websites can be severely harmful for your kid. In that case you can block such websites which you find is inaccurate for your kid. There are several website blocking add-ons available for Firefox and Chrome like Webfilter, Blocksite etc.


Track their duration

Observe the time duration of your kid when they are online. Create an hourly routine for their online activities.


Use PC monitoring tools

Install a PC monitoring software on your system. PC monitoring tools keeps a track on internet activities and lists out all the actions. Such popular tools are Safetyweb, Avira Social Network Protection, Gogostat Parental Guidance, etc.


Follow on social networks

If your kid uses Facebook, Twitter or any other networking site then make sure you follow them. This will increase your tracking ability and you can fetch more details on their activities. The people they friend with, viewing their profiles, wall posts, status, etc., these will deliver more details about them.

These are the simple steps to prevent your child face the harmful. Today, the internet consists of more malicious objects than the virtuous ones. The bad is even easier to follow than adopting the right one, so definitely the kids cannot differentiate between the both. So it’s your duty to secure your child before they face the worst.

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