“Moina Parijat” : A Glimpse
November 15, 2011A collection by Md Habibur Rahman.
Translated by Dibyajyoti Sarmah
Fried Eye says- I had read some where that each story has again a story behind it that is equally worth reading. This Moina Parijat article compiled by Mr Habibur Rehman has an interesting history which I feel should be shared with the world.
We had planned this article for our July issue , but we were shocked to find no background data over the net. Google failed, though not its fault. If we google now we will find the Moina Parijat website , but then it was under construction maybe. Whatever be the reason we were dumbfounded to find that such a noble project has no mention of its origin or other details. We started trying to dig in for data, get in touch with people but that was easier said than done and for the first time we decided to shelve a project because of lack of input. That was when we came across Mr. Habibur Rehman from Jorhat who is associated with the local Moina Parijat over there. Meanwhile we were near to the deadline, but still we made a last ditch attempt to get some input. And we were pleasantly surprised! Mr Habibur Rehman handed us his compilation in two days flat and it was obvious about the efforts he had taken for it. He first compiled the data, got it typed, scanned it and finally mailed it from an Internet cafe (not a big issue for us, right? But think about it please, from his view point). But It was in Assamese and we had touched deadline, so we had to postpone for a later suitable date. Finally in our children special issue , we are proud to present before you his compilation. His labour of love because just like us he too believes that the world should know of brighter things, of things that show us some ray of hope in today’s bleak world. Thank you Mr. Rehman. Fried Eye will never forget your kindness and sincerity.
‘Moina Parijat’ The name has a soothing and melodious ring to it. What is Moina Parijat you may be wondering if you haven’t heard of it. “Moina Parijat” is the most suitable working place for the physical, mental and intellectual development of children.
This non-governmental organization was established for the development of children, and according to its constitution, its aim and goals are to give freedom and opportunity to the growing children of the country to unite themselves so under the cover of playfulness and joy, so that under a pleasant and secure environment ,they can develop their own skills and prepare themselves for future as a responsible citizen contributing to the social, moral and cultural growth of society and at the same time to teach them about brotherhood by introducing them with different children of different places.
You will find the different branches of “Moina Parijat” distributed in almost all the villages and towns of Assam. These primary branches altogether compose “District Moina Parijat” and “All Assam Moina Parijat” is composed by all these district branches. For the sake of proper management, in some districts, some regional sub division of branches of “Moina Parijat” maybe composed too. This social institution is run by some great people who dedicate themselves in the service of children.
In this article, I have tried my best to give an overall glimpse about the establishment, aim and goal of “Parijat”.
It was in 1948 the ‘Saptahik Janambhumi’ newspaper which was published weekly from Jorhat, launched a regular program for children named as ‘Moina Mell’. This program became popular within a few days, and many children became member of it. This program was directed and managed by Troilokyanath Sarmah who was very fond of children. Time passed, the idea developed and expanded. After discussing with some educationists, Troilokyanath Sarmah, realizing the potential of such an organization prepared some regulations under open air education system for the smooth running of the “Moina Mell”. In preparing these regulations, Troilokyanath Sarmah was being helped by educationists Biman Boruah, Hemanta Bordoloi, Jagdish Phukan etc. Under these regulations, Mr. Hemanta Bordoloi formed ‘Jaihind Moina Mell’ in Tarajan Sonarigaon of Jorhat for the first time as a trial. After the successful formation of the first one, under the supervision of people like Hemanta Bordoloi, Jagadish Phukan, Badan Boruah and Devika Saikia, other “Moina Mell”s in different places of Jorhat. Gradually its fame spread far and away and “Moina Mell” were constituted in places like Challenghat, Moranhat, Dibrugarh, Golaghat, Dergaon, Nagaon, Tezpur, North Lakhimpur, Tinichukia, Margherita, Mongaldoi, Shillong etc. The first conference of “All Assam Moina Mell” was held in Jorhat in 1951. This conference was inaugurated by none other than the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Yes, such was its success and hype ! Keeping the propagation of “Moina Mell” in mind, in 1950 a central committee for the smooth running of “Moina Mell” was formed, where Mahadev Sarmah was the president, Troilokyanath Sarmah and Jagadish Phukan were general secretaries, Rohit Rajkhowa was office secretary and Hemanta Bordoloi was the organizational secretary and the organization was named as “Assam Pradeshik Moina Mell”. You have to remember Moina Parijat had still not appeared in the picture and we are still on the Moina Mels.
At the same time, in Guwahati, a child organization called ‘Arati Sangha’ came into being. The people involved in this organization were Ratna Kumar Gautam, Nalinibala Devi, Dr. Bhubaneswar Boruah, Puspalata Das, Puwal Duwara and Prakash Sarmah. Under the supervision of Ratna Kumar Gautam, there had been a meeting to form a state level child organization and as a result of this meeting a child organization called “All Assam Parijat Kanan” was formed. The committee was formed with 21 members, and the people were Nalini Bala Devi-the Chief, Promod Chandra Bhattacharya-assistant, Atul Chandra Hazarika-the finance convenor, Ratna Kumar Gautam-general secretary and Nabin Sarmah-the chairman. Later on different branches of this Parijat Kanan were formed in Golaghat, Jorhat, Dhakuwakhana etc. In 1952, the open conference of Parijat Kanan was organized in the Harisobha Mandap of Panbazar and the president of “Assam Pradeshik Moina Mell”, Mr. Madhav Sarmah was invited to preside over the conference. In the same year, 1952, the annual conference of “Assam Pradeshik mojna Mell” was also organized in Tinsukia town. In this conference, Madhav Sarmah, Nalini Bala Devi and Troilokyanath Sarmah proposed to unite these two child organizations as their objectives and goals were similar. For this a committee was formed with 14 members where 7 members were from each organization. This committee was able to unite the two organizations.
On 27 June of 1954 both “Moina Mell” and “Parijat Kanan” were united to form “All Assam Moina Parijat” where the term “Moina” came from “Moina Mell” and “Parijat” came from “Parijat Kanan”. After the sacrifice, perseverance and hard work of many great persons, “Moina Parijat” has reached its present condition.
For achieving the main goal of over all development of the character and personality of a child “Moina Parijat” performs the following works….
- Lays focus on the nurturing and cultivating an interest for different creative arts like fine arts, through which the children can be aware about their own intellectuality and thus develop it.
- To create patriotism in the children by celebrating the birth and death anniversary of different national genius and making them aware of our rich history and cultural heritage and at the same time introduce them to the life and ideals of those great and genius persons.
- To establish libraries, organize literary events, debate competition and create a forum for discussion for child on various issues where the child can fearlessly voice his opinions and at the same time learn to respect other’s opinion too
- To arrange excursions, social service program for the child so that they can learn from activities and first-hand experience.
- To organize musical, dance, recitation and drama program so that with time talents can be identified and their creativity can be given adequate scope to be developed.
- To organize child friendly psychological and scientific exercises for children to develop their physical health regularly.
- To communicate among the parents, guardians, teachers and other social workers through “Moina Parijat” and establishing branches of “Moina Parijat” in different places irrespective of hill or plain and to give the children a wide place to bloom.
- To popularize the rights of children in society and at the same time try to mantain and execute those rights.
- To execute and spread different works for the overall development of children’s mental and physical health through some scientific means and missions. For this aim to be executed different welfare programs has been incorporated along with the ones for women and youth.
- To maintain cooperation with other national and international organizations whose goals and objectives are similar to “Moina Parijat”.
- To fulfill all or one aim of “All Assam Moina Parijat” and to execute different programs for it.
“Moina Parijat” is an institution which has been welcomed and appreciated by all and sundry. Any child irrespective of the caste, community or social strata under 12 years of age can be a member of this. The branches of “Moina Parijat” are directed under the above aim and ambitions of its constitution. It is true that “Moina Parijat” has been playing an important role in the mental, physical and intellectual development of children. The main mantra of “Moina Parijat” is “ami puhar bisari jao” (let us go in search for light). This light is light of wisdom. Children have a curious mind. They are always curious to know something which they don’t know. “Moina Parijat” has been guiding the children by introducing them the truth and showing the correct path through which they can become good citizen for society. The guiding light that is Moina Parijat inculcates such training and overall education, one which the children will benefit from in future as well. Today “Moina Parijat” is not only a well known institution in Assam, but it has become a well known institution in entire India, it is because of the hard work and sacrifice of the directors and workers of the institution and the cooperation of the child loving people and public at large.
(N.B.-In preparing the article the writer took help of a few articles written on “Moina Parijat” and the constitution of “All Assam Moina Parijat”.)
We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com
My mom and her siblings were Moina Parijat members in Titabor. Came across this by chance and it’s well written. In fact it’s a pretty well known forum in upper Assam villages & towns is what I thought. Sad that only few people seem to know about it today. I had always heard stories of Moina Parijat from Ma & my aunt’s and very happy to read about Moina Parijat here.
Wonderful job. I feel proud that article on Maina parijat is published . I will be happy if I could provide the updates . Sadou Asom Maina Parijat is chaired by Ex Maina of Kaliabor and Life Member of SAMP and Minister , GoA Sri Keshob Mohonta. There are 19 District Committees, 1765 branches.
On 8 Nov 2018 Hon CM Sri Sarbananda Sonowal laid foundation of the Parijat Prakalpa at Sarusajai, Guwahati in which provision of construction of Auditorium,, Children Counselling Centre,Art Gallary and Children Holiday Home are made.
#Ratul Bora, General Secretary, Sadou Asom Maina Parijat(SAMP)
20 Nov 2018
Well done.All the volunteers of the greatest and oldest non government organization Sadou Assam Moina Parijat for all round development of children of Assam will be very vigorous if they read your this article.thanks so much.
Thank You Sunita for appreciating our efforts. We would definitely love to publish more such articles which is a matter of pride for the whole of the state and country. But we need helpful inputs from our readers for this. Thank you once again
Thanks to Mr Sharmah,and to FRIED EYE for publishing something about our beloved MOINA PARIJAT. It will be better if more informations about it are posted from time to time. thank you
Thank you Manjari. Please keep visiting us for more such. Your encouragement means a lot to us
nice article….:) very informative…..well done..