I See Noodles in the Air!
November 1, 2010I see Noodles in the Air!
I see noodles in the air
I make castles here and there
Noodles.. smooth and curly
Noodles.. they are so lovely
That moment was not mundane,
When I saw those noodles
Were they so unforgettable
I question myself most often
But, ever since I saw those noodles
I see noodles everywhere
In the mirror, in the songs I listen,
In the screen of my laptop
In the water I drink
In the flowers, in the leaves
In the air
In my dreams
I see curly strings of my guitar
I see curly blades of my fan
I see curly roads to my office
I see curly fonts on my screen
I see curly sweet dreams
I feel curly fragnant air
Will I ever get back that curly moment?
Will I ever find noodles in the air?
I pray to the almighty to give me a single moment of the pleasure again
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