March 1, 2011Dear Readers,
This time we have no predictions. We were busy working on giving you a better experience in Fried Eye. In the coming days, you will see a lot of changes in the site. I help Fried Eye in predicting what might work through my Potato Gazing. My Potato is already overworked.
I must say that the contest that we declared on Feb 1 was very impressive. It was not at all an easy contest, and we even fumbled a few times as well. It was a fun thing that came by while I was writing the predictions and later on suggested about the contest. I guess, I don’t need to say who the winner is as it is already clear that the winner is Ms. Kadambari Singhania, a very Enterprising and Talented Blogger and of course a movie buff.
Congratulations Kaddu! Do send us your mailing address and Tee – Size. We will be soon sending you a gift.
To see her entry click here.
To the other contestants- Thanks very much for your interest and efforts. We really appreciate it and hope that you will continue with your kind patronage. In fact, we also have some interesting contests lined up in our future issues which you might like to look up.
We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com
Your smile made my day.
Keep visiting and participating. BTW I forsee a very bright future for you,in any field you choose . You have that one quality that nails it- perseverance. and I don’t need a gazing ball to see it. good luck. 
Yayyyyyy! Finally I win something in the blogosphere! Yippeeeeee!

Will email my postal address etc to Pram’s ID, ok.
Btw, just noticed… the “Contact Us” link in the footer is giving a “404 Page not found”. Do take a look into it.
Looking forward to further contests here. I really liked this one… gave a lot of scope to learn new stuff, unlike most blogging contests around. Was a very creative idea. Keep it up guys!