How to tavel smart, pack smart
December 1, 2011The key to a travel friendly, smart packing lies in arranging your stuff in such a way which results in the optimum number of belongings packed in a minimum of space. The objective is to remain hands free through out and achieve easy mobility with minimum of stress.
– The first task here is to choose the right bag or travel case , which again depends on where you will be travelling and how. If you are planning to rough it out in the wilds with bikes or hitch hiking, then obviously it will be best to opt for a rucksack, but if you plan to travel comfortably, then one of those spacious trolley cases will do just fine. Again remember that taking a light weight bag is better than those heavier leather ones.
– Try taking a bag with those secret or extendable compartment which opens up by unzipping , to accommodate the extra stuff that you will be picking up on your way while shopping for mementoes. As an alternative take one of those foldable lightweight synthetic bags which becomes compact and occupies no space at all , for later or emergency use. Instead of a laptop case try to take a fitted laptop cover which occupies lesser space than a case.
– Since your aim remains to be hands free and travel easy, its better to go for those waist pouches, or cargo pants, backpacks with multiple pockets for carrying those knick knacks and your important papers.
– Now that we have dealt with the travel case part, we can proceed on to what to pack and how to and that, brings us to the subject of clothes.
- Go for wrinkle free squeezable clothes that can be rolled into one small compact mass like Tees and lycra tops and leggings.
- Take two pairs of jeans- preferably blue and black . They can be mixed and matched with any tops and tees. You can also stuff cargo pants instead of a pair of jeans to add some variety.
- Avoid white colored clothes while traveling
- During summer time, it is better to pack capris and shorts. Besides being comfortable, they also take less space in your travel bag.
- Avoid formals. Take a set only if you must. For the females, it is advisable to pack elegant kurtis or those anarkali kurtas that can be teamed up with lycra fancy leggings to add glitter and a formal touch to your wardrobe.
- Winters are tricky as it becomes necessary to pack warm clothings. Thermal inner wear and a non- dirty-able wind cheater than a whole collection of heavy woolens are always better. Even here the principle of mix and match should be followed.
- Pack your clothes neatly folded as well crisply pressed and ironed so that they take up less space.
- If you are one of those who like to carry your own towel, then carry a cotton one with less fluff. It has an added advantage of drying fast other than being less space occupying.
- You can pack lingerie, under garments, socks etc in the small dead spaces in between the already folded clothes.
-For your toiletries, it would be best to carry them in small sachets or small bottles and pack them
together for convenience’s sake in a compact bag.
-Wear or take shoes that can go with all your outfits that you have packed for yourself.
– Unless and until you are going to appear for a fashion show, travelling light is recommended with a
check on the amount of cloths and footwear.
– Though plastic bags have been banned at many places, it will be wise to pack a few along with your clothes for any kind of contingencies. They become handy to pack dirty clothes, your flip flops and wet clothes while you are in transit.
– It isn’t necessary to pack each and every stuff of yours from your coffee mug to your body pillow. At the most you can carry a small compact traveling iron.You can find most of the things available outside and sometimes it is adventurous to just let go, sit back and enjoy.
Hope our tips today could be of some help to you. We are planning on bringing out a video on the same in the near future and a demo will certainly be more lucid.
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Ha ha ha. Maybe we should take a tip or two from you instead
bt at d end it is my muscle power only which comes handy
I was looking for some sort of magical wand which wd lessen d weight of my bag. Every tym I travel, I think of what to take out so dat it can make few kilos lighter bt to my woes it never happened.

Being a soldier one full bag of only shoes can give ny gl a chase
Afterall who can assimilate better dn a soldier d pain n pleasure involved with travelling at a short notice