Everything You Say

September 15, 2010 Off By Fried Guest

You want them to lie
so when they elevate their prayers
you don’t have to explain

fire or water

what’s more the things you say

then crammed inside
a fortune cookie.

Sergio A. Ortiz

Ortiz is a retired educator, poet, and photographer. He has a B.A. in English literature, and a M.A. in philosophy. Flutter Press released his debut chapbook, At the Tail End of Dusk, October 2009. Ronin Press released his second chapbook, topography of a desire, May 2010. Avantacular Press released his first photographic chapbook: The Sugarcane Harvest, May 2010. His third chapbook: Wet Stones and Bedbugs in My Mattress, will be released by Flutter Press, November 2010. He was recently published, or is forthcoming in: Carcinogenic Poetry, Perceptions Magazine of the Arts 2010, BorderSenses, Offcourse Literary Journal, Cavalier Literary Couture, and Touch: The Journal of Healing.

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