
January 15, 2013 Off By Editor

Our day starts with food. Ends with food. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. We work to earn money, which goes into buying food. And sometimes into buying medicines that are required due to use of food. Food that is healthy; food that is unhealthy.

We eat to live. But then very often that thin line is happily crossed and we live to eat. And accept it. Why not! Taste is everything… Be it your own medicine or food.

Without a doubt, our relationship with food is one of the most important aspects of our lives. And definitely the tastiest. To life, and to death.

This issue we at Fried Eye we celebrate food. Fried and otherwise. Hope it spices up your taste buds enough. Cheers

Wishing you the season’s best

From the The Fried Foodies of Fried Eye.

We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com