
November 1, 2011 Off By Editor

For a change I do not want to write about what has been happening around. Not Metallica nor the F1 . Not even about celebrations – Diwali, Halloween or Bakri Id. Maybe I do owe a responsibility to mention that 31st October is the birth anniversary of Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel, but I will not go into that either (my respects lie with him of course) nor can I bring myself to speak about the Guwahati Serial blasts…The wounds are still raw. Sitting in front of the laptop, at 2.30 am, I have this sudden urge to know more about you all. I would like to know more about the ones who are religiously reading our E zine ? Who are you all? Where do you come from? Do you like us? Do you occasionally spare a thought for us? What makes you smile? What’s your story? your dreams? your aspirations?  Each publication day I notice that the visitor counts shoot up 12 am on wards? Who are you all who so loyally watch us over? …And suddenly I am curious to see the faces in front of  the monitors. You make our day by your mere presence yet we have never met each other nor will we ever in probability , but some how we have made a connect. And at this moment of truth I realise that you are what makes us. Nothing can be more important for us than you all. Sometimes in our attempt to find a deeper significance we miss the obvious. At times in our bid to achieve the extra ordinary , we forget the little joys of common-ess. While most of the times in our search for the most important , we forget that what we have with us is the most valuable of all. And with great joy I have realised that we have you with us. We have crossed the mark of one lakh unique visitors just recently and that was possible  because you were with us all the while. I don’t know if we will ever be etched in history, but for you , this edition we have brought before you few pages from History. To me, history is synonymous to memories and when finally I grow old ( which I am already) I would like to have fond memories of   Fried Eye and those unknown eyes which used to make our day every publication .


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