December 15, 2010As the year ends, and I come to think about the important events in my life this year, I see that it was my most eventful year. On the very first day of the year fried eye’s 1st issue released. This single event changed the direction of my life and everything around me revolved around fried eye. I got happy when Fried Eye did well, sad when it did not. All the events that followed after the birth of fried eye was somehow related to it. Be it meeting with some great people or covering some rock show. Life is always like a party. I came to know about many good things that I was unaware of. Like the various dance forms of Northeast that I came across at many occasions. I am trying to know more about them and I will share them with you if I meet with some success.
Fried Eye made me a different person. It made me more patient. It controlled my fickleness to a certain amount. And most importantly, I got a new family. The family called Fried Eye. The people who make me believe that I am better than I actually am. I am sure the Fried Eye Team echoes my thoughts. There is a lot more to be said which is beyond the scope of this space.
Wishing you all a Happy Holiday.
Signing Off
Pramathesh Borkotoky
Exec. Editor
Fried Eye
mail me pramathesh@friedeye.com
We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com
Thank You
Best wishes for the coming year