Captured Moments with Dipayan Bhattacharjee

Captured Moments with Dipayan Bhattacharjee

September 1, 2011 Off By Rundolf Mawlieh

The name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee. Yes, it’s obvious that each one of you reading this by now must be going “seriously! what’s in a name?”. Yes, agreed what’s really in a name, because what is important is productivity in terms of bombarding even the smallest  things that  matter and creates an impact.

Dipayan Bhattacharjee

In reference to this young lad the same applies, so  though his name may not really count, but his works speaks a thousand words for him. Everything that he capture still unfolds stories relevant to the different wonders of life in all forms and means possible. Down to earth he is, but on the contrary his still frames are not confined to the same nature of his being, so hence cannot be attributed to his characteristics.

Nonetheless, this newly emerged photographer has cemented himself as a rising artist in the field of photography here in the hills of Shillong, and a talent to reckoned with. Having done shoots with renowned Bands in the likes of Soulmate, Afflatus & Street Stories et all, Dipayan Bhattacharjee is all geared up to get established as an inspirational photographer set in stone and also to be among one of the top notch geniuses in this particular field of art and come forth to sweep the country with the force of his brilliant and innovative pictures.

AFFLATUS - Photographed by Dipayan Bhattacharjee


RM-You first started out as an animator; what’s with the transformation or the evolution to a photographer now? How did it happen?

DB-I believe this world is an amazing place, where every creation of God is beautiful. And I believe that every person, animal, place or thing can be photogenic .I only try to bring that to the eyes of everyone. Animation was more about creating my own world. And I still enjoy doing that. But then again, there is nothing like a “Beautiful Fact” rather an “Amazing Fiction”.


RM-Do you intent to make this your full time career?


DB-Yes, definitely. I’m working hard to do that. I hope my friends and fans continue their support and I’m always able to deliver quality work.


RM-Musicians, nature, normal people or street photography?

DB-Anything, that has to do with people. Be it Fashion, Street, Portraiture or Events. I just love       people.


RM-Any favorite picture that you’ve clicked could you please describe it a little bit.

DB-That’s a tough one. Every photographer loves each work of his. There is a story associated with it. And when the shutter is released, it takes an instant out of time, giving a life-time achievement for the artist. But yet, with the amount of hard work and output that I received, my favorite picture is not exactly a single frame but an entire theme that I had shot with my sister. The name was “A SOUL IN THE WOODS”. It was conceptualized as “the soul of a girl that lives in the woods, alone and never bothers anyone. She lives in a world of her own, amongst the ashes of her own existence.”

A soul in the woods




RM-Capture at the moment or plan simultaneously before getting into the subject or object front?

DB-Good one.Well, no matter how much a person says that he/she takes a shot at the moment, there is always some planning involved. Even if its only as long as you raise your camera from the bag to your eye. Planning is inevitable. But well, street shots involve lesser planning, while portraiture has more of it.



DB-Plenty of them. In fact every great picture I see, inspires me. For me, inspiration comes lesser from the photographer and more from the photograph itself. But yet, to be honest, my inspiration for Street Photography came from seeing the works of Paul Swee, a Chinese street photographer.


RM-How is Shillong ?

DB-Shillong… to photograph or to learn photography..?? To photograph, I’m proud to be from Shillong. So much of nature, landscapes, tribes, colors, variations, and the list can go on and on forever. But to learn… well, it really needs to do a lot more in the field.


RM-You have attained fame with bands pictures in the likes of Soulmate, Afflatus, Street Stories and Dooser’s Urge. An insight on the following shooting experiences and post recognitions periods?

DB-I got my first break in the professional market shooting with the band Street Stories. Though I wouldn’t say it was one of my best shoot, yet, their pictures helped me get a lot of recognition. Then it was Dosser’s Urge. I saw the improvement myself. One of their pictures even came up in Eclectic Vibes magazine. Then I did the shoot with Afflatus, one of my best works till day. It also earned me the cover page of Eclectic Vibes- The best recognition I could have earned at such an early stage. Next was Soulmate, another marvelous experience and again the “center spread” of Eclectic. It’s been just 10 months that I’ve picked up a DSLR and what I’ve earned in such a short time span genuinely means a lot to me.

Soulmate - Photograph by Dipayan Bhattacharjee

RM-Favorite contemporary photographer.

DB- Paul Swee again… A man who truly lives up to the company he works for – AN INVISIBLE PHOTOGRAPHER, Asia.


RM-They say that photography is fun expressed  with utter delight…….

DB-“Utter delight” – that’s the best word you could use. Of course its THE BEST THING to do. And I absolutely love what I’m doing. I shoot the portrait of a girl, and fall in love with her on my editing table… I shoot a candid moment on the street, and feel myself so much closer to life… I shoot a beautiful landscape, and start to dream of being there forever. All my thoughts, all my emotions, all of my inner-self, comes out in my pictures. Isn’t it the best way to express?

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