Category: Vol. III


November 2, 2012 Off

The Heroine!

By Fried Guest

By Urshita Bhuyan   In our male dominated society, women have always held a stereotyped image of that of a…

October 15, 2012 Off


By Editor

Today is an important day of faith. It is Mahalaya. Before I offer you my greetings for this festive season…

October 15, 2012 Off

In the shadows

By Vinayak Gole

Silence: The night is silent. An occasional cricket buzzing away to attract attention, a rare vehicle in a hurry to…

October 15, 2012 1

Chicken Gizzard Fry

By Fried Guest

by Chef Sakun Rai Sans Francisco, California  Boil the chicken gizzards firstly although I tried to make without boiling too…

October 15, 2012 Off

Fifteen Years

By Dagny Sol

He is coming home after fifteen years. They told me he was coming. A million times since then, I have…