Author: Vinayak Gole

I am a nobody. In the Matrix, I am a software engineer, struggling to survive in the race to nowhere. I lead a normal happily married life, full of the usual hope and apprehensions. I worry about small things, I crib about low wages, I hate the politicians and their policies and wish I had a better life. Outside the Matrix, however, it is a different story. I put on my earphones, cut myself away from the fake world and let my fingers take me to a world of dreams and fantasy. I do not complain here, in this world of words and puntuations. I find divinty with the Almighty when I write.I write about life, my experiences, my hopes, my wishes and some stuff not at all related to me. And music is the blue pill which takes me out of this everyday life. It is the Bodhi Tree under which I stand enlightened. So this then is my world. I can also be found at:
November 1, 2011 0

Betukay – Review

By Vinayak Gole

Joshish, the Progressive/Experimental rock band from Bhopal, scaled the popularity charts during the “Rock On” contest on MTV. Featuring on…

September 1, 2011 Off

Ganapati Bappa Moraya

By Vinayak Gole

Come August and visitors to Mumbai will notice a very conspicuous change. The usually mechanical city suddenly transforms into a…

December 15, 2010 Off

The Hanging

By Vinayak Gole

And he hangs there alone, quiet on the tree, looking down at the world,unlike them he’s free. The world unfair,…

November 15, 2010 1

Review: Moving On

By Vinayak Gole

Album: Moving on Artist: Soulmate Genre: Blues Released: June, 2009 Label: Blue Frog Rating: This review is a bit late…