Author: Editor

May 16, 2013 Off


By Editor

The unknown always intrigues, fascinates us. A baby of six months is fascinated by the fire and she/he wants to…

May 1, 2013 Off


By Editor

Today being May Day, I could write about the history of how it came to be, and talk about the…

April 15, 2013 Off


By Editor

Otike moromor mugare mohura Otike moromor maku Taatu koi senehor bohagor bihuti Nepati keneke thaku ( I Love the bobbin…

April 1, 2013 Off


By Editor

When the theme of sarcasm , rant and satire was declared to the team, there was an amount of gleeful…

March 1, 2013 Off


By Editor

There are many shades to life. If you break up the numerous essences that colors a day in your life, you will…

February 15, 2013 Off


By Editor

Dear  Readers We completed three years last month. Three years of an exciting association with each other- three years of…

February 1, 2013 Off


By Editor

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu We all go through different journeys all…

January 15, 2013 Off


By Editor

Our day starts with food. Ends with food. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. We work to earn money, which goes into buying…

January 1, 2013 Off


By Editor

Marriages are made in heaven. They all say that , but if that was entirely true , we would have…

December 21, 2012 Off


By Editor

Dear readers , as you must be aware our site was under attack by malware yet again in spite of…

November 15, 2012 Off


By Editor

  I want to start by wishing you all a very happy Diwali. Diwali is undoubtedly the most welcomed festival…

November 2, 2012 Off


By Editor

Seeing is believing. Well probably more than that! Seeing is being entertained, educated, informed! The visuals medium… films, tv, videos……

October 15, 2012 Off


By Editor

Today is an important day of faith. It is Mahalaya. Before I offer you my greetings for this festive season…

October 1, 2012 Off


By Editor

As we celebrate the 153rd birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, we can’t help noticing how much of a contrast times are…

September 15, 2012 Off


By Editor

They are attractive, Oh hell! Yes they are! That’s what memories are They could be toxic, or could be ecstatic…