A Bihu story

April 15, 2012 Off By Mani Padma

image courtesy- Mr Rajkumar 1220, Flickr

Mukunda rushed merrily towards the pothar.  She would be waiting for him.

It was that time of the year when he could have two square meals a day again.

He would have his moment of glory as a dhuliya.

It was Bihu.

Divides disappeared.

The Mauzadar’a daughter would be waiting for him to dance together.



Pothar- Fields. Usually where young and old alike gathered to sing and dance and make merry.

Dhuliya- One who played the drums

Mauzadar- An influential person who is in charge of a Mauza, a division of Jillas or districts.

55 fiction is a micro fiction which attempts to depict a sort of story in just 55 words.


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