Was it love?
November 1, 2011Looking into her deep blue eyes he smiled. They told him everything. He was meeting her for the last time. His eyes were misinterpreted, there was sadness, which bordered on madness. He told her, he was in love and it wasn’t her. She gave him her dazzling smile concealing any remorse. He thought “Was it love?”
We welcome your comments at letters@friedeye.com
Experimental. Yet nice.
Sorry! In the year-end ciofusonn, I forgot to put it online. Both Issue 6 and Issue 5 are on the Back Issues pages now.
One for our past,
One the present,
And one for our future,
May our love always be nurtured.
Like these leaves we are from the same tree.
You and I are branches.
Like the leaves
Our love is preserved.