Man, A celebration of life  – a photo story

Man, A celebration of life – a photo story

October 1, 2011 Off By Fried Eye

Once upon a time…

people used to give shape to their imagination by drawing pictures or attempted to store an image they loved permanently etyched in their mind’s eye by pictures and see what we have now? we have photographs.  Each photograph has a story and so does a sequence of photographs



Sometimes together…in love

sometimes together,…yet at a distance


Sometimes, happy in a crowd




sometimes in peace with himself


sometimes , guiding like a beacon

Sometimes, lost himself…

sometimes, calm and tranquil

sometimes in inner turmoil

sometimes enlightened

at times spiritual

while in a few moments of weakness, tempted towards the dark

Natures bounty- hills, seas the greens, almighty be praised

but nothing compares to Man- Jubilant and resilient





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