Planning the Food for an Indian Wedding

Planning the Food for an Indian Wedding

January 1, 2013 0 By Pramathesh Borkotoky

“The quality of food decides the amount of blessings you receive on the day of your wedding.”

–          Anon


I like eating out but somehow it has always been a grueling task while eating in weddings for me. There are only a handful of wedding ceremonies where I had appreciated the food. It is not just the food that is a turn-off but the presentation that too . They say that you eat your food with eyes first. So, let us look at the few things that that most of us overlook.

Deciding the menu:

We often make a mistake while deciding the menu about what will be served. We go by what the caterers suggest and decide the menu mostly within a few a minutes as we hardly try to give any inputs on the suggestions, highly under-rating the capacity of the caterers. If properly instructed and given full freedom to execute those instructions, they really can do a good job. One more thing, make it a thumb rule to always allow a foodie(not someone who simply dumps into his belly) to plan the menu.


Presentation is the key to the success of the reception party of any wedding.   Hygiene matter in case of the surroundings of the dining area. The food served should look like the normal food that the average guest is used to.  I have been to weddings where I had been skeptical in eating the food because it looked very spicy. But after having it I found that it was just the colour that gave it an overly spicy look. Or, it was served in some fancy way that left me confused as I was unsure how to eat it. It is actually a very embarrassing situation in such cases.


The Food:


Nowadays, everyone is having some sort of lifestyle disease so a healthy food should be preferred . Oil should be used in a controlled way like we use it in our homes.  A spicy food can also be healthy food. A good spicy preparation is healthy when it is prepared from fresh spices.

Main Course:

In Indian weddings, you must have two sections for food: vegetarian and non-vegetarian. I always find that the vegetarians have a limited choice of food in weddings with just paneer as a choice, that too prepared halfheartedly that is,   by simply substituting paneer in the same gravies used in non-veg dishes. It is very unfair. Another funny thing is that you can opt for only veg or non-veg and not both. Give your guests to eat what they like and believe me they would love that just like you do when someone does that to you



You can be wildly creative in desserts while choosing the dessert. Sometimes keeping it simple creates wonders while sometimes having a wild dessert make wonders. Having a touch of chocolate in your dessert preparation makes people happy, as we all love chocolates.


It’s not a very difficult to make a decision with regards to the food menu at your wedding. It just requires a good amount of thought. After all, no one knows your guests better than you and your spouse to be